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The focus Blue Ocean team places on accountability, advisory, coaching and consulting, assist's individuals, projects and companies improve value, reliability and performance.
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The Only Way To Beat Your Competition Is By Not Trying To Beat Your Competition
Blue Ocean Strategy is the result of research by Professors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne who studied over 150 strategic moves made between 1880 and 2000 in more than 30 industries. This research, the Blue Ocean Strategy concept and the analytical tools and frameworks were first outlined in a series of Harvard Business Review articles. Throughout the world Blue Ocean Strategy is now recognised as best practice in strategic planning and change management.

Make Your Competition Irrelevant
Blue Ocean Strategy contends that tomorrow’s leading companies will succeed not by battling competitors but by making their competition irrelevant and creating a “blue ocean” of new and uncontested market space. Blue Ocean Strategy has literally changed the way companies do business. It has turned the way we think of competition on its head. It offers a revolutionary approach to strategic thinking, which has previously been dominated by head to head competitive-based strategies focused on markets with shrinking margins.
Create Uncontested Marketspace!
Blue Ocean Strategy provides a proven set of tools and frameworks that make the pursuit of new market space as systematic and reproducible as competing in the traditional competitive landscape. A blue ocean is achievable for every company across the entire value chain from products, to services, to delivery, and across industries from consumer goods through to business-to-business and primary industries.

What Can We Offer
On successful application to our Blue Ocean Strategy Program, your coach will help you to navigate your way, from a highly competitive and commoditised red ocean, into a blue ocean of market space.
In the 12 step program, either 12 weeks or 12 fortnights, depending on the complexity of your organisation and the capacity of your team, an experienced Blue Ocean Strategy Coach will guide you through that process.
Why Should You Do This
Most businesses need 4-6 months to think through, research, plan and commence the execution of their Blue Ocean Strategy®. So we also offer “follow-on” programs to maintain momentum.
Once you have gone through the program, the process, thinking, tools and discipline are embedded into your way of doing business. Often leading to wave after wave of new blue ocean expansion.